Y si, era de esperarse, el humor de uno cambia, y acá estoy, de nuevo.
Cuando hablé sobre internet, el facebook y demas cosas, no mentia. Creo tener un problema con esto de tomarme muy en serio las cosas.
Cuando era más joven, sufrí terriblemente, es decir, me involucraba mucho con las amistades que hacia por msn (si, es realmente estúpido, lo sé), a tal punto que mis propios padres decidieron cortar el servicio de internet.
Luego estuve años sin tocar la pc. Y creo que me hizo bien. Tomarme un descanso en esto del mundo cibernetico.
Lo que sucede ahora quizas es diferente, seguro son sentimientos que se mezclan y hacen creer que todo pertenece a un mismo problema.
Hoy estuve escuchando el mp3, y me di cuenta que cuanto más tiempo libre tengo, más pienso en lo que sucede (quizas pienso hasta el hartazgo) y ahí está el punto clave del problema: Pienso demasiado las cosas.
Tengo que darle cierta importancia, ponerle una barrera a todo lo que sucede.
En fin, la solución es ocupar ese tiempo muerto en hacer actividades, como hacer baile de salón (materia archi-pendiente que voy a cumplir), estudiar fotografia, hacer actividades que rompan la rutina.
Estoy seguro, muuuy seguro, que no soy el único loco que le sucede esto, jajaja.
Vamos gente, rompamos la rutina! :)
Les dejo una canción que ya subí hace rato, pero es la que me hizo pensar y descubrir ese momento clave.
Y ademas, me reeee gusta esa canción :)
Freezepop - Swimming pool
"Late at nite, the air was cool
we snuck into the swimming pool
you dove headfirst, i waded in
the scent of chlorine upon our skin
the stars were bright, the water clear
i felt your heat as you swam near
i held my breath, you held my hand
moving away, further from land
the moon was full, everything blue
the water stilled, reflecting you
floating right here with you next to me
gazing at stars, we drift silently
late at nite, the air was cool
we snuck into the swimming pool
i went under and you followed
let's not think about tomorrow
everything is perfect now
everything is perfect now - i held my breath
everything is perfect now - you held my hand
everything is perfect now - moving away
everything is perfect now - further from land
everything is perfect now - the stars were bright
everything is perfect now - the water clear
everything is perfect now - i felt your heat
everything is perfect now - as you swam near
everything is perfect now.."
we snuck into the swimming pool
you dove headfirst, i waded in
the scent of chlorine upon our skin
the stars were bright, the water clear
i felt your heat as you swam near
i held my breath, you held my hand
moving away, further from land
the moon was full, everything blue
the water stilled, reflecting you
floating right here with you next to me
gazing at stars, we drift silently
late at nite, the air was cool
we snuck into the swimming pool
i went under and you followed
let's not think about tomorrow
everything is perfect now
everything is perfect now - i held my breath
everything is perfect now - you held my hand
everything is perfect now - moving away
everything is perfect now - further from land
everything is perfect now - the stars were bright
everything is perfect now - the water clear
everything is perfect now - i felt your heat
everything is perfect now - as you swam near
everything is perfect now.."
PD: A partir de hoy, prometo un posteo (o más) por dia. :)
Abrazo! :)
Abrazo! :)
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